Early Websites (2001)
Below is a collection of websites I made back in high school.
A Level Module Allocator
I was, you may say, an early adopter of maximizing javascript’s capabilities. One of the static sites I built was a British A Level (nationwide final high school examinations) module explorer for the Mathematics A Levels. Mathematics curriculum consist of a number of modules in four categories (Pure Maths, Mechanics, Statistics and Data). Different configuration of modules could earn a student various kinds of A Levels (e.g. “Further Mathematics”). I built a tool that allowed students and educators to explore the different configurations and the resulting A Level classes.
In the Novice→Combinations mode, the site asks the user which modules are mandatory and lists all possible combinations of modules that the student can take to earn a particular A Level
In the Novice→Grades & Retaking, the site asks the user which modules they already took (and what scores they got), and what ultimate grade the student aspired to, and lists combinations and scores the student would need to get
The only difference in Expert Mode is that the user can eliminate modules which are not offered by the Mathematics department
The source code for the site is hosted on github here.
German Grammar Test
To teach myself German grammar in high school, I built a simple grammar test website. I would like to say that in 2001, javascript and HTML best practices were somewhat lacking, but nonetheless there are a number of things I’m not proud of (using eval, frames, and those horrific background patterns and wordmarks!)
The source code for the site is hosted on github here.